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Which option best describes your Skeletal Frame & Joints?
I am thin, lanky or slender with prominent joints and thin muscles.
I have a medium, symmetrical build with good muscle development.
I have a large, round or stocky build. My frame is broad, stout or thick and if I make the effort, I build muscle quickly.
Which option best describes your Joints?
My joints are bony and prominent with a tendency to pop and crack.
My joints are warm to the touch and I'm flexible if I work at it even just a little.
My joints are large, well-padded and I have to stretch a lot to remain flexible.
Which option best describes your Weight?
Low; I may forget to eat or have a tendency to lose weight.
Moderate; it is easy for me to gain or lose weight, if I put my mind to it.
Heavy; I gain weight easily and have difficulty losing it.
Which option best describes your Complexion?
Compare yourself to others with your same ethnic background.
My skin is dry, rough or thin with tan or yellowish undertones.
My skin is warm, reddish in colour and prone to irritation. I have freckles and/or moles.
My skin is thick, moist and smooth. It is pale yet opaque.
Which option best describes your Eyes?
My eyes are smaller, deep set and often active (looking around).
I have a penetrating gaze. People might joke that my eyes could bore a hole through them.
I have large, sweet, pleasant eyes with a relaxed and dreamy gaze.
Which option best describes your Hair?
My hair is dry, brittle or frizzy. It is thick and wiry.
My hair is fine and straight with a tendency towards early thinning or greying.
I have abundant, thick, wavy and oily hair.
Which option best describes your Body Temperature?
My hands and feet are usually cold and I prefer warm environments and like to sunbathe.
I am usually warm, regardless of the season and prefer cooler environments. I feel irritable when I'm too hot.
I am adaptable to most temperatures but do not like cold, wet days. I generally only leave home when I have to anyway.
Which option best describes your Sleep Patterns?
I am a light sleeper with a tendency to awaken easily. It sometimes takes me awhile to settle my mind and fall asleep.
I am a moderately sound sleeper, usually needing fewer than eight hours to feel rested.
My sleep is deep and long. I tend to awaken slowly in the morning.
Which option best describes your Temperament
I am lively and enthusiastic by nature. I like to change.
I am purposeful and intense. I like to convince.
I am easy going and accepting. I like to support.
Which option best describes you Under Stress?
I become anxious and/or worried
I become irritable and/or argumentative or aggressive.
I become withdrawn and/or reclusive.
Which option best describes your Digestion?
My hunger and digestion are variable. Sometimes I feel bloating and gas after eating. I sometimes forget to eat and then feel spaced-out or giddy and indecisive.
My hunger and digestion are strong. I eat and drink a lot and eliminate a lot too. I feel irritable if I don't eat when hungry. The term "hangry" was probably made to describe someone like me.
I rarely feel very strong hunger and I can easily skip a meal but I like eating, so I rarely do. My digestion is slow but efficient and I can gain weight even when eating little food.
How many times did you choose the first box? This indicates your proportion of Vata:
How many times did you choose the second box? This indicates your proportion of Pitta:
How many times did you choose the third box? This indicates your proportion of Kapha:
Which is your predominant Dosha?